Admit it. As an adult, you’ve experienced your fair share of Shoulder Pain now and then.
You do several things to try and ease the pain. But all your efforts are futile.
So, stop doing what you’re doing and let Physiotherapy(opens in a new tab) professionals guide you in dealing with shoulder pains. Here are some tips you can do at home or anywhere whenever the pain strikes:
First, ice it. Ice your shoulder for 15 minutes, then take the ice off for another 15 minutes. Repeat 2-4 more times.
Second, give your shoulder a rest. That means stop lifting above your shoulder or anything heavy.
Third, expose your shoulder to regular activities gradually with a steady pace. Don’t shock your shoulder muscles by immediately lifting heavy objects above your head or diving back into the cause of the shoulder pain.
Fourth, stretch and exercise(opens in a new tab) your shoulders every day. Exercises like rotations or shoulder stretch like touch-your-toes.
Fifth, get into a habit of being in a good posture.
Sixth, drink anti-inflammatory and/or pain-relieving medicine like ibuprofen.
Lastly, ask a medical professional like a doctor for proper treatment with a physical therapist.
If you need Physical Therapy(opens in a new tab) to ease that shoulder pain(opens in a new tab) or what, we got you covered. At Outcomes Therapy, we understand how shoulder pains affect you and your tasks. We know the pain may be bearable, but you would rather have it go away. With our service, not only will the pain ease and your mobility regained. You will also learn what to do to take care of your shoulder and how to deal with shoulder pains at home.
Call us to know more about our services like Occupational Therapy(opens in a new tab).
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