
For seniors, experiencing a fall can set off a lot of health complications. A broken bone can cause disability or mobility problems for seniors. Having mobility limitations is the usual cause of seniors losing their ability to live independently. This is why family members and home health care providers should focus on installing and practicing fall prevention measures.

To promote independent senior living, here are effective home safety tips to lower your senior loved one’s risk of falls:

  • Assistive Devices

    Canes, walkers, and wheelchairs can provide support to seniors as they move around their houses. Occupational therapy specialists can advise seniors on the proper assistive devices that could help them improve their basic daily skills.

  • Remove Tripping or Slipping Hazards

    Keeping the walkways dry, clean, and clear of things can help prevent tripping. For surfaces that often get wet like the toilet or sink area, put anti-skid mats to prevent slipping. Tripping and slipping are the most common causes of injuries in seniors. Physical therapy is often needed to treat the mobility problems that come after.

  • Install Fall-Prevention Measures

    Handrails can be installed on the side of the stairs to provide support as seniors go up and down the stairs. Grab bars are also recommended to be installed in the toilet to prevent slipping.

Outcomes Therapy includes teaching home safety measures as part of our physiotherapy services. Feel free to consult with us to know more about fall prevention and keeping your senior loved ones safe.