Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)(opens in a new tab) is an autoimmune illness that is chronic, progressive, and severe. It causes inflammation, swelling, and pain in and around the joints, as well as other organ damage.
Outcomes Therapy has compiled a list of the most important Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) information to be aware of.
- An Autoimmune Disease
When you have an autoimmune disease(opens in a new tab), your immune system misidentifies a portion of your own body as an invader and launches an attack on that tissue. - Has a Distinct Set of Symptoms
The symptoms affect four or more minor joints, usually beginning with your fingers. The symptoms are symmetrical, with the same joints on both sides of your body being affected. Morning stiffness lasting an hour or more. - Preventing Joint Abnormalities Requires Medication
Joint inflammation starts at the beginning of rheumatoid arthritis and does not go away without treatment. Chronic inflammation alters the bone, resulting in severe bone degradation and joint abnormalities. Disease-modifying antirheumatic medicines and biologic response modifiers are treatments that prevent malformations by stopping the inflammatory cascade. - Include Exercise in Your Treatment Strategy
When your joints are sore, swollen, and stiff, you may not want to exercise, but physical activity is one of the best methods to improve joint function, increase range of motion, reduce pain, and boost your immune system.
With our extensive experience in physiotherapy(opens in a new tab), we can design an activity program that matches your lifestyle and is appropriate for your rheumatoid arthritis stage.
Schedule an appointment(opens in a new tab) online to learn more about rheumatoid arthritis therapy and physical therapy(opens in a new tab).
You could also benefit from our occupational therapy(opens in a new tab).
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