
We need good mobility if we want to thrive in life. Our daily tasks require us to have these skills. It is also more efficient to participate in society’s activities with good mobility. 

Providing physiotherapy has taught us how our mobility abilities can be affected by certain factors. What are some of the most common reasons for mobility problems?

  • Injuries

    Physical injuries can happen at any age. These often occur after accidents. You can easily be immobilized when you experience some form of fracture or muscle injury. While injuries can be immobilizing, working with a good physical therapist can help regain your lost mobility.

  • Lack of Exercise

    Not exercising can hurt your health in the long run. You can lose muscle mass when you lack physical activity. This is essentially known as muscle atrophy. This condition will hasten your mobility decline as you age.

  • Aging

    Our bodies go through changes as we get older. Losing our mobility abilities is a natural part of aging. Mobility loss can stop us from attending to our daily needs. But occupational therapy is a great way to regain independence amid this decline.

  • Health Conditions

    A range of health conditions can hurt your overall mobility. Conditions like stroke, arthritis, and osteoporosis have a direct effect on your movement. Certain neurological conditions also stop you from experiencing full and comfortable mobility.

Here at Outcomes Therapy, we fully understand how these mobility problems negatively affect your life. With our physical therapy services, we can help you address these mobility issues. Give us a call today!