When you are recuperating from an injury or illness, occupational therapy(opens in a new tab) can help manage your work, home, and leisure activities. An occupational therapist can address conditions like arthritis and will work with you to find solutions, so you can carry on independently without causing further joint damage. Whether you are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis(opens in a new tab) or other forms of osteoarthritis, it’s a good idea to start looking after your joints as soon as possible. OT teaches you how to protect your joints by using them in different ways to reduce pain. An occupational therapist can help you manage your daily activities by providing advice on using your joints. Similar to physiotherapy(opens in a new tab), an occupational therapist will help you choose tools and equipment to help with your activities to promote independence. This may also include teaching techniques to help with planning your activities, advice on mobility problems and home modifications, and exercises to improve hand and wrist strength and mobility. If you are working, a therapist can discuss your job with you to identify any difficulties you are having. Many individuals with arthritis worry about how their condition might affect their work(opens in a new tab) in the future. The sooner you seek support for arthritis and similar conditions(opens in a new tab), the more likely you can manage your symptoms. Additionally, an occupational therapist can also recommend splints to support your joints while you are working and to keep your joints in a stable position when you rest. Although splints are available from sports shops and pharmacies, it’s best to get advice from a healthcare professional that specializes in occupational or physical therapy(opens in a new tab). Manage arthritis and similar conditions with Outcomes Therapy – your go-to provider of high-quality therapy services. Optimize your recovery and regain your functionality with our help. Contact us(opens in a new tab) today. { '@context': 'http://schema.org', '@type': 'NewsArticle', 'mainEntityOfPage': {'@type': 'WebPage','@id': 'https://www.outcomeshometherapy.com/how-occupational-therapy-can-help-with-arthritis' }, 'headline': 'How Occupational Therapy Can Help with Arthritis', 'image': ['https://www.outcomeshometherapy.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/how-occupational-therapy-can-help-with-arthritis.jpg','https://www.outcomeshometherapy.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/how-occupational-therapy-can-help-with-arthritis-300x201.jpg','https://www.outcomeshometherapy.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/how-occupational-therapy-can-help-with-arthritis-150x150.jpg' ], 'datePublished': '2023-09-27', 'dateModified': '2023-09-27', 'author': {'@type': 'Person','name': 'Louise Savoie' }, 'publisher': {'@type': 'Organization','name': 'Outcomes Therapy','logo': { '@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': 'https://www.outcomeshometherapy.com/wp-content/themes/outcomestherapy/images/WEBP/main-logo.webp'} }, 'description': 'It’s best to get advice from a healthcare professional that specializes in occupational or physical therapy.'}
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