
You will need knee replacement surgery when you suffer from long-term knee pain, injured or worn-out knee. It is a treatment to reduce pain and improve the range of motion in your lower extremities.

However, the recovery after a knee replacement surgery does not happen instantly. It requires preparation, several techniques, and patience to achieve a full recovery and complete independence. These preparations and techniques may include:

  • Preparing aids
    You will have trouble walking during the recovery period. Thus, it is necessary to prepare walking aids and other assistive devices while you recover. You may undergo occupational therapy to learn how to use these devices effectively and achieve independence while your knee is still recovering.
  • Undergoing rehabilitation
    Physiotherapy allows the recovery period to happen more likely than expected. If not, it allows you to achieve a new sense of independence while recovering.

    During the rehabilitation, you will be assigned a physical therapist to teach you techniques and strategies to reduce pain, swelling, and other residues after the surgery.
  • Preparing items that improve the level of comfort
    Prepare items that help give you comfort. For instance, you may buy loose clothing for your lower extremities. It helps you feel comfortable and eliminate any pain while you dress. You may purchase items that relieve pressure on your knee.

We at Outcomes Therapy will help people who underwent knee replacement surgeries. We provide physical therapy in Texas and other services designed to improve your quality of life. If you need our services, meet our consultants today.